Free STEM Infographics
From medication to cell phones, we depend on science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) to aid in our everyday lives. However, U.S. students rank only 20th in the world for science literacy. As you look through these STEM infographics, remember that STEM education is the key to a successful future in STEM fields. Download the free high-resolution resources to share with your students or create a poster to hang in your classroom.
While women account for roughly half of the population, they do not represent half of the STEM workforce. Research shows that girls leave the STEM pipeline because of peer pressure, misconceptions about STEM careers, and a lack of support from teachers and parents. As a result, nationwide efforts attempt to make STEM a more inclusive field, especially with programs geared towards young women.
Minorities are underrepresented in STEM fields despite scientific findings that diverse teams discover more errors in the workplace than homogenous teams. Research also shows that education is to blame for a lack of diversity in STEM. To ensure a more diverse future, more minorities need access to the educational support that will lead them to a bachelor’s degree.
Even though STEM jobs typically pay above the average annual salary for all jobs, there is a shortage of people qualified to fill STEM positions. This is due in part to STEM degrees requiring higher education and an inequality in representation between men and women in STEM fields. The number of STEM jobs available in the U.S. is forecasted to grow, especially in computer fields.
The STEM pipeline begins when children enter school. The idea is that throughout their academic years, students will engage with STEM principles that inspire them to pursue STEM careers. The pipeline "leaks" when students steer away from STEM topics and ultimately the STEM workforce. To keep students in the pipeline, teachers need to engage students in STEM through hands-on methodologies that promote real-world examples.