MeasureMelt Thermal Conductors
Test various materials to find the best conductor to transfer thermal energy.
Start the lesson by defining and discussing the material of each block—steel, foam, plastic, and rubber. Then let students hypothesize which will make ice melt fastest and why. Then it is time to put their theories to the test! Through the process, students learn about everyday objects that are good thermal conductors and how they move heat at different rates. Each block (4"L x 4"W x 1/2" thick) includes a well to collect water as the ice melts, keeping workspaces tidy.
Set of 4 includes 1 of each block type. Class Set includes 16 blocks (4 of each type), plus lesson direction that is adaptable for grades K-3 and 4-8. The included lesson direction details setup instructions, activities by grade level, learning objectives, and teaching suggestions to expand lessons. Accommodates 32 students. Recommended for Elementary and Middle School.