Classroom Attractions Sets
Delve into magnetism with exciting hands-on activity kits!
In this progressing series of three magnet kits, students will be enchanted as they discover the properties of magnetic force. Level 1 helps students understand basic concepts like magnetic attraction and repulsion based on polarity. Level 2 guides students through intermediate exercises like discussing the earth as a magnet and determining the differences between temporary and permanent magnets. Level 3 dives deep into the wonderful world of magnets to help students master the influence of magnetic fields. All kits include activity guides. See full contents lists below. Level 1 is for Grades K to 2; Level 2 is for Grades 1 to 3; Level 3 is for Grades 4 to 6. Accommodates 10 students.
Level 1 Set includes:
- Magnet Wands, 10 Ea
- Plastic-Encased Button Magnets, 10 Ea
- Magnet Rings, 15 Ea
- Magnet Marbles, 50 Ea
- Alnico Bar Magnet, 1 Ea
- Metal-Rimmed Counting Chips, 200 Ea
- Paperclips, 100 Ea
- Pencils, 5 Ea
- Teacher's Guide, Ea
Level 2 Set includes:
- Alnico Bar Magnet (2"), 1 Ea
- Ceramic Horseshoe Magnets (1"), 5 Ea
- Plastic-encased North/South Bar Magnets, 5 Ea
- Plastic-encased Button Magnets, 5 Ea
- Plastic-encased Block Magnets, 5 Ea
- Ceramic Ring Magnets, 15 Ea
- Sets of Polished Steel Shapes, 5 Ea
- Magnet Wands, 5 Ea
- Compasses, 5 Ea
- Pencils, 5 Ea
- Teachers Guide, 1 Ea
Level 3 Set includes:
- Alnico Bar Magnets, 5 Ea
- Alnico Horseshoe Magnets, 5 Ea
- Latch Magnets, 15 Ea
- Disc Magnets, 10 Ea
- Ceramic Block Magnets, 10 Ea
- Flexible Magnet Ciscs, 5 Ea
- Lodestones, 5 Ea
- Compasses, 5 Ea
- Corks, 5 Ea
- Iron Filings, 5 Sets
- Pieces Magnetic Viewing Film, 5 Ea
- Nails, 5 Ea
- Wooden Dowels, 5 Ea
- Demo Alnico Bar Magnet, 1 Ea
- Teacher Guide w/ Activities, 1 Ea