Boomilever Challenge Kits
Students learn about weight through trial and error in this boomiliver-building kit!
Students go head to head in a competition to build the strongest horizontal weight-bearing structures, called boomilevers! When students’ boomilevers are inevitably tested beyond their limits, students learn from failure to creatively solve problems and hone their designs. This iterative approach to project-based learning allows students to use their own experiences to learn engineering, construction, and design principles. Whoever creates the strongest boomilever wins the engineering contest! Class Kit includes materials and tools for constructing 24 boomilevers; Group Kit includes materials for six. Both kits include an instruction manual with student data sheets. Test Kit includes everything required to test boomilevers for competition (except sand), including a test stand, loading block, boomilever scale, ballast scale, scoring sheet, chain, S-hook, bucket, beaker, and plastic tarp. Refill materials are available. Electric drill and ¼" bit required (not included). Recommended for Middle School.