Can you crack the code of this sequencing game?
How to Play
Players take turns being the Codemaker and the Codebreaker. The Codebreaker needs to guess the secret code in as few attempts as possible.
The Codemaker sets a secret code using different colored pegs hidden behind a peg shield so the Codebreaker can't see. The Codebreaker then tries to match the code by replicating what they think the code may be using pegs. After each move, the Codemaker gives clues to the Codebreaker about the accuracy of their code sequence using key pegs.
Codebreakers get 20 attempts to guess the code. If they guess it, they get 5 points; if it's not guessed in 20 tries, the Codemaker gets 1 point. Then, players switch roles and start all over!
Store all game components in the game board. Game includes console with built-in storage tray and code peg shield, 108 code pegs in 6 colors, 30 key pegs in 2 colors, and instructions. Accommodates 2 students. Recommended for ages 8 and up.