Robbery at Anytown Mall Kit
Teams of investigators work together to gather clues and solve a crime at the mall!
Set in a mall for real-world application, young detectives rush to the scene to ask questions and find answers. Working together in small groups, students observe the scene and collect clues like hair, fibers, fabric, blood, fingerprints, and handwriting to identify suspects. They run experiments on the evidence, interpret the results, then compare their findings to personal profiles to find the culprit. Kit features fabrics, hair, and simulated blood samples to serve as clues, as well as evidence gathering tools. Microscope, water bath, and glass test tubes with stoppers or caps required, not included. Accommodates 24 students. Recommended for Upper Elementary and up.
Standards: Aligns with NGSS
Kit includes:
- Fabric Samples including Silk, Cotton, Linen, Polyester, and Wool
- Hair Samples including Human, Cat, and Dog
- Police Envelope
- Suspect Envelopes, 4 Ea
- Signature Cards
- Hand Lens
- Cover Slips
- Microscope Slides
- Wooden Sticks
- Red Litmus Paper
- Tweezers
- Toothpicks
- Hema-Tag Label A&B
- Hema-Tag Label Rh
- Mounting Media
- Anti A Serum, Simulated
- Anti B Serum, Simulated
- Anti Rh Serum, Simulated
- Simulated Blood, Types A, B, O, and AB
- Instructor Manual
- Student Manuals